Ellen MacArthur Foundation | Plastic Fish

By 2050 there could be more plastic than fish in the oceans. Let me say that again. By 2050 there could be more plastic than fish in the oceans. Wow… That’s some scary statistic.

That’s why the Ellen MacArthur Foundation teamed up with Sir David Attenborough and yours truly to tell this short, simple yet much needed story. A story about problem solving, plastic fish and yellow submarines. With wonderful animations done by the legendary Joost Gulien. 

Watch it and do your part to make sure by 2050 we don’t have scary statistics. 

  • Creatives and Directors: Philip&Hugo

    Illustration and Animation: Joost Gulien

    Voice: Sir David Attenborough

    Sound design: Joost Gulien

    Sound mixing: Sharky

    Client: Iulia Strat (EMF)


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